FastCapPro allows you to take screenshots and capture video from video games. In the "General Settings" window you can configure the recording settings of the game you wish to work with and load them every time you need some particular settings restored (the recording settings are saved in files with xml format). FastCapPro includes some files with predefined settings of different video games.
There are a number of parameters you can configure; basic ones: remarks, load an image of the video game (bmp, jpg, and gif formats are supported), whether the program should start minimized and its window always shown on top of others. Apart from these, you can set hotkeys to start/stop and pause/resume the recording, adjust the video frame size, set the frames per second to capture (FPS), and use video and audio compression. You can set the image size and format for taking screenshots; also, you can select an option to keep on recording every certain amount of milliseconds. The program also includes a "Benchmark” option that allows you to generate statistics of the hardware and the FPS.